How It Works
Personalised Celebrity Greetings
You can pick your favourite celebrity on the web to greet you on your special day. Celebrity has 7 days to accept; once they accept the request and have provided the service, then the credit card of the customer is charged along with bank fees by the banks to not unless you guys recommend a safer way. Athletes or stars will use step 2 verification to verify if they are authentic or not. People identical to stars can be the ones greeting the customer.If a person introduces a celebrity to our website, and a celebrity completes a video greeting, the introducer will receive 5% of the fee charged. The celebrity receives 75% of the fee and we keep 25% of the fee and there is a 10% fee by purchasing a ticket to a event thought.this website— to WE”LL GET YOU THERE PTY LTD WHICH IS A ADMINISTRATION FEE